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How To Target A Referrer

Do you want to target visitors who landed on your page through a specific channel or source, such as email? You can easily target a referrer with Convertize with the audience targeting options.

Step 1: Open the options menu, by clicking on “Options” on the bottom of the editor.

convertize options menu
target audience

Step 2: Navigate to the audience tab and toggle the Advanced options button.

convertize audience advanced options
target a referrer

Step 3: Scroll to “Target a specific referrer”. Here you can insert one or more referrer URLs or conditions.

target a specific referrer

You can choose between different match types to exclude referral traffic from your audience, or to enter more complex URL targeting such as patterns.

url targeting referrer

Step 4: Click “Save and close” and you’re done!

Do you wish to target visitors coming from a specific ad? You can also target these with our targeting option for query parameters.

About Convertize

Installing Convertize

With Website Builder

With Tag Manager


Using Convertize

Managing Experiments

Targeting & Tracking


Advanced Use

Your Results

Technical Info


A/B Testing Agency