Convertize is a web app that provides A/B testing to your website to help you optimize your conversion rate. In order to track your visitors and show them a consistent page variation, we use cookies.
You may want to be transparent about the way we collect and use this data. If so, you can include a short clause in your privacy policy, that goes something like…
We use, an A/B testing tool which assigns the variants visitors are supposed to see in their browser and stores that information as a cookie. This ensures the proper behaviour of Convertize A/B Testing, making sure a visitor always sees the same version of a page. You can find Convertize’s privacy policy here.
You could consider adding the following information to your list of cookies in your Cookie Policy:
Cookie name: track-id
Duration: 1 year
Purpose: This cookie is set by Convertize to run A/B tests on {website}. It ensures that the visitor is consistently shown the same version of a page. You can find Convertize’s privacy policy here.