How to install Convertize with WordPress allows you to run A/B Testing experiments on WordPress by simply installing our A/B Testing plugin for WordPress.
How to install Convertize A/B Testing plugin on WordPress
1- Login to your WordPress interface. Click on “Plugins” and “Add New”.
2- Search for the “Convertize” Plugin in the search bar and click on“Install Now”.

3- Once the Convertize A/B Testing Plugin is installed, go back to your Dashboard and click on the Convertize button in the left-hand navigation.

4- Copy and paste the pixel code you received from Convertize and click on “Connect with Convertize”.

N.B. If you are using a cache system, you may have to refresh it or temporarily disable it to enable Convertize to detect the pixel on your website.
About Convertize
Installing Convertize
With Website Builder
With Tag Manager
Using Convertize
Managing Experiments
Advanced Use
Your Results
Technical Info
A/B Testing Agency